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Showing posts from June, 2015

Rising beyond...

“I came into the unknown and stayed there unknowing rising beyond all science. I did not know the door but when I found the way, unknowing where I was, I learned enormous things, but what I felt I cannot say, for I remained unknowing, rising beyond all science. It was the perfect realm of holiness and peace. In deepest solitude I found the narrow way: a secret giving such release that I was stunned and stammering, rising beyond all science. I was so far inside, so dazed and far away my senses were released from feelings of my own. My mind had found a surer way: a knowledge of unknowing, rising beyond all science. And he who does arrive collapses as in sleep, for all he knew before now seems a lowly thing, and so his knowledge grows so deep that he remains unknowing, rising beyond all science. The higher he ascends the darker is the wood; it is the shadowy cloud that clarified the night, and so the one who understood remains always unknowing, rising beyond all science. This knowledge

Beatitudes of a Leader

Blessed are the leaders who have not sought the high places, but who have been drafted into service because of their ability and willingness to serve. Blessed are the leaders who know where they are going, why they are going, and how to get there. Blessed are the leaders who know no discouragement, who present no alibi. Blessed are the leaders who know how to lead without being dictatorial; true leaders are humble. Blessed are the leaders who seek the best for those they serve. Blessed are the leaders who develop new leaders. Blessed are the leaders who march with the group, interpreting correctly the signs on the pathway that leads to success. Blessed are the leaders who have their head in the clouds but their feet on the ground. Blessed are the leaders who consider leadership an opportunity for service. - Anonymous

51st International Eucharistic Congress Prayer

Lord Jesus Christ, our hope of glory, You are the fulfillment of the Father’s  plan to save all humanity. You are the mystery hidden from the ages and  from generations past now manifested to us. You abide in your Church in  the most holy sacrament of the Eucharist.  As we celebrate the Holy Eucharist and receive your Body and Blood, grant us the awareness that your presence in us urges us to continue your saving mission in the world. Send us your Holy Spirit,  that he may lead us to walk humbly with the poor and the marginalized, in the  company of Mary, your most holy mother and ours.  O Lord in the Most Blessed Sacrament, to you be all honor and glory and praise in the unity of the Father and the Holy Spirit. One God, forever and ever.  Amen.

God's creating hands in us...

In our day to day experience, we sometimes have the difficulty of facing life’s challenges because of the unexpected situations that bring pain and tribulations to us. We tend to surrender in overcoming the hurdles of life and be likely to lose hope. But God, through the people He has placed in our life, has provided for us the kind of help that we need to survive and continue living in accordance with His will. God uses people to reveal Himself and to manifest His intention of saving us from any bondage or form of slavery. We can only experience this unusual event the moment we intimately connect ourselves with Him. The intention of God is to re-create and transform us according to His salvific plans. This is what the scriptural message from the letter of Paul to the Colossians would emphasize, “Christ is the source of all that has life, He served as the fullness of all creation, and the concrete revelation of God’s redeeming grace to humanity”. He is the head and we are all his ac


I got up early one morning, And rushed right into the day; I had so much to accomplish, I didn’t have Time to pray. Troubles just tumbled about me, And heavier came each task. "Why doesn’t God help me?" I wondered. He answered, "You didn’t ask." I tried to come into God’s presence; I used all my keys at the lock. God gently and lovingly chided, "Why, child, you didn’t knock." I wanted to see joy and beauty, But the day toiled on gray and bleak. I wondered why God didn’t show me. He said, "You didn’t seek." by Anonymous