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Showing posts from April 5, 2017

God is Real

Summary of the Book:  A GOD THAT COULD BE REAL- SPIRITUALITY, SCIENCE, AND THE FUTURE OF OUR PLANET Most of us still believe of the Biblical perspective of the world. We people commonly rely on the idea of God by a traditional manner, allowing ourselves to much immerse to what the teachings of the Church inculcates us, separating the scientific lens of seeing the world and its origin and then conclude that God is the sole creator of all that exists in this vast universe. Nancy Ellen Abrams started her point to the prevalent issue concerning women in the society. How the world would discredit and treated women lesser than men. Without recognizing the major contributions of women in the development of the societal dynamism. This led Nancy to focus on the continuous inquiry of knowing the most popular issue of all times – the Existence of God and how the universe came into reality. For Nancy, 30 years ago, she believes that God was indeed a fiction. Her personal hold clings o