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Showing posts from August 17, 2015

The Culture of Life...

The world of today is surrounded by different social issues that drag the sanctity of the human life. Most of the countries are now allowing immoral practices such as contraception, euthanasia, death penalty and anti- birth policies. This ideology seems to be practical and in support for the freedom and desire of the people but completely against the will of God. The danger of it is drawn into the eclipse of the sense of God and the importance of the dignity of man. Man is now focus on the things that the society demands forgetting his/her ultimate purpose as a creation of God...called to live a holy life.. In the Philippine context, most of the ordinary citizens are struggling for their day to day needs. Some of these people are engaging to different unlawful jobs such us prostitution, robbery, or even hired as serial killers. If we try to realize what happened to these people, and trace back the root of their situation, then we can identify that poverty, abuses, and selfishness