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Showing posts from March 26, 2015

Alethialogy of the Human Person

In the book of Fr. William Malley, SJ, the term Alethialogy is derived from two Greek words: Aletheia (truth) and logia (study of) which means in simpler terms as the study of truth. In man’s journey towards seeking the truth, he must use his giftedness such as the rationality in order to unveil the truth that he is looking for. But using his rationality can never be enough, man must be able to transcend his level of reasoning into the level of genuine truth – the truth of all the truths. Then, how can man reach to the truth of all the truths? At this point, man is no longer challenge in finding the answer into the physical realms but he needs to go beyond the material world by reaching the uncreated world. This is the world in which man can only attain through spiritualization. Man must be able to communicate to his ultimate maker – the Creator of heavens and of earth. This must be God as what St Thomas Aquinas would try to elaborate on his book: Proofs of God’s Existence. In the b