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Showing posts from March 24, 2024

Palm Sunday Reflection

 As we celebrate Palm Sunday, we catch a glimpse of the forthcoming events in Jesus' life throughout Holy Week. Jesus foretold that the hour had come and reminded us of the following: 1. Pray unceasingly - He informed His disciples to earnestly pray, overcoming temptations by saying, "for the spirit is willing but the body is weak." 2. In times of trouble, you either accept or disown me - He reminded His disciples to be courageous in following Him, knowing that there would come a time when they might deny Him out of fear. 3. Look at Me, Did you betray the Lord? - He asked Judas after he led the guards to arrest Him. 4. It is you who say it - He replied to Pilate during the interrogations regarding punishment or setting Him free, indicating that only those who are in the Lord can truly see and recognize Him. 5. Crucify Him - the loud voice that the people shouted at Jesus, echoing our sinfulness like a loud voice crucifying Him with our sins. 6. My God, My God, why have yo