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Showing posts from June 11, 2015

Beatitudes of a Leader

Blessed are the leaders who have not sought the high places, but who have been drafted into service because of their ability and willingness to serve. Blessed are the leaders who know where they are going, why they are going, and how to get there. Blessed are the leaders who know no discouragement, who present no alibi. Blessed are the leaders who know how to lead without being dictatorial; true leaders are humble. Blessed are the leaders who seek the best for those they serve. Blessed are the leaders who develop new leaders. Blessed are the leaders who march with the group, interpreting correctly the signs on the pathway that leads to success. Blessed are the leaders who have their head in the clouds but their feet on the ground. Blessed are the leaders who consider leadership an opportunity for service. - Anonymous

51st International Eucharistic Congress Prayer

Lord Jesus Christ, our hope of glory, You are the fulfillment of the Father’s  plan to save all humanity. You are the mystery hidden from the ages and  from generations past now manifested to us. You abide in your Church in  the most holy sacrament of the Eucharist.  As we celebrate the Holy Eucharist and receive your Body and Blood, grant us the awareness that your presence in us urges us to continue your saving mission in the world. Send us your Holy Spirit,  that he may lead us to walk humbly with the poor and the marginalized, in the  company of Mary, your most holy mother and ours.  O Lord in the Most Blessed Sacrament, to you be all honor and glory and praise in the unity of the Father and the Holy Spirit. One God, forever and ever.  Amen.