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Showing posts from March 11, 2015

Ignatian life & Spirituality...

St. Ignatius of Loyola is best known as the person who founded the Jesuits and whose spiritual insights gave birth to  Ignatian spirituality  and the  Spiritual Exercises . A lesser-known fact is that the cannonball wound he received in battle is actually what led to his conversion experience. Without this conversion, there would be no Jesuits, no Ignatian spirituality. Listed below are seven more fun facts about St. Ignatius of Loyola that you're unlikely to hear in general conversation about this 16th-century saint: He once allowed the donkey on which he was riding to determine whether he should follow and murder someone he thought had insulted the Blessed Virgin Mary. (Fortunately, the donkey chose the path that led away from the insulter.) He thought that his leg had been set poorly after the cannonball incident and that, as a result, he wouldn't look good in his courtier's tights. So he had a doctor rebreak his leg and start over! He