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Showing posts from March 4, 2015

Cura Personalis : Our care to the Person

Most of us have experienced being sick. We all know that sickness is a condition that affects our whole being. It sometimes accompanied by pain and anxiety which would eventually weaken our body. We are lucky that we have our family to take good care of us in all our needs. Every time we experienced the goodness of our family and friends, we also feel the presence of Christ. For an instance,  allow me to share my experience of helping my sick mother who was diagnosed with Pneumonia last year. At first she was hesitant going to the hospital, thinking everything seems to be ok.  Then days passed by, she just informed us that her situation  wasn't  good. At that moment, we immediately rushed her to the hospital and found out that she had a lung infection caused by bacteria. This experienced somewhat surprise our family. At the back of my mind, my mother was still in good hands because of our loving presence during her difficulties. This led me to think and ask “how about those peopl