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Showing posts from April 1, 2024

March Reflection

As I have reflected over the past few weeks on whom I can deeply resonate with in the Bible, I was struck by the life story of Peter, with whom I can associate/relate certain parts of my own experiences. 1. His career as a fisherman:  Throughout his life, Peter must have been familiar and comfortable with his profession of fishing. However, there came a moment when, despite his efforts, he caught nothing, leading to frustrations and insecurities.  Similarly, there was a time in my life when I was consumed by work, forgetting what truly brought me happiness. I felt burdened and helpless, lacking control over my life's direction. 2. His feeling of unworthiness in front of Jesus:  When Jesus entered Peter's life, he was overwhelmed by His kindness, feeling unworthy and small in His presence.  I, too, struggle to comprehend why God shows me such kindness despite my sinfulness. I feel undeserving and overwhelmed by His constant presence in my life. 3. His shortcomings, denying Jesus