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Showing posts from April 7, 2024

Divine Mercy Sunday

Have you ever thought about how much God loves us?   The love of God for us is beyond our imagination. His love is transformative, changing His beloved into a new creation. His greatest love was bestowed upon us by sending His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, to die on the cross and save us from sin, despite our unworthiness. God chose to love us unconditionally, taking a risk, knowing that we may or may not reciprocate the love He offers us. Today, the entire Catholic Church celebrates Divine Mercy Sunday, remembering how Jesus' love saved us and washed away our sins through the water and blood of His love for us. How much do you love Jesus? Are you willing to choose and follow Him? [Image citation: Please note that the image of the Divine Mercy used in this text is for illustrative purposes only and does not imply ownership or endorsement. Image source: (credit to Reg Silva Art)]