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Showing posts from January, 2016

Merciful like the Father..

This year we celebrate the “ Jubilee Year of Mercy & Family with the theme: Merciful like the Father .” We come together to exercise our capacity to love and show kindness to our least brothers and sisters expressed in the corporal works of charity rooted in Christ our Lord. Our dearest Pope Francis encourages us to start the year full of hope, mercy and responsibility and be involved in resolving the societal concerns of today. For Pope Francis, to be merciful, we need to have a brave heart to ask for forgiveness and to forgive those who cause the pain; as well as accept our limitation and be courageous enough in asking apology from those whom we have hurt. This is a radical call of following the commandments of the Lord by living each moment with grateful and generous heart that can transcend pain into happiness. It is so in our own family where we need to show kindness, love and mercy to each of our family members and continuously support, build, grow and be together un