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Showing posts from February, 2024

February Reflection

As I progress in my Canali Program, the month of February has offered me various spiritual events that have helped me deepen my discernment. I had the chance to attend to the following: Seminary Opening Mass for incoming seminarians, the Decere (a one-day Retreat at Marian Valley organized by Vocation Brisbane), and the Three Pillars of Lent (a three-day Retreat organized by OLOL Parish). These experiences provided me with reflective moments where I could deepen my longings and clarify my intentions. As I discern of offering myself unto Him, the aforementioned spiritual engagements have helped me realize the following graces/providence I have gained: 1. Created a special bond/relationship with God through daily prayer and silence. 2. Met and connected with new people who are actively involved in serving the Church and others. 3. Understood the multicultural spiritual perspective on how God's presence can be seen and felt in all walks of life. 4. Developed a heart for serving the Ch