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Showing posts from March, 2017

Family - the Modern Disciples of Christ

Family is the perfect community of hope, peace, mercy and love. It is the foundation of God’s revealing love that empowers each of its members to transform the whole fabric of the society. In Asia, family is described and enriched by the different cultures, beliefs, principles and societal standards. Family serves as the perfect epitome of solidarity and holistic development. But despite of all these expected realities, on the other side of the coin, family can also be the source of domestic and selfish violence. As far as we expect and consider, family is viewed, as a positive energy that must be shared and channeled to others, but then, now it becomes a community that depicts an abusive dynamism to humanity. Many families in Asia are now challenged to different kinds of marital problems that led to adultery, polygamy and even incest. Married couples are now manipulated by their selfish desires and personal reasons and the most affected by this scenario are the innocent children. The