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Showing posts from January, 2024

Melbourne Reflection

My stay in Australia is proof of God's loving providence. I faced numerous struggles and fears that even led me to the point of giving up.  Life can be challenging away from your family; however, His infinite love embraces all my imperfections.  Despite my many insecurities, He has given me more than I deserve, showing numerous signs that are enough for me to accept and let go of all the unessential things in my life.  I thank you, Lord, even though I am unworthy; you made me significant and whole again.

Discovering the meaning of life

  To begin the day, there are moments in our lives that seem uncertain. These are the times we feel doubtful about where life is leading us and feel dry, struggling to understand what's happening.  We long for the things we are sure of, but then we are left unaware and out of control.. We keep searching for what can truly satisfy and make us happy. However, life gives us no guarantee, no assurance that everything will succeed. This makes us restless and insecure; we start questioning, 'Is this the life I am destined to live? How can I be sure of my plans? What can truly make me free and happy?' In silence, we then realize that it's not about us; it's about Him. Knowing what we can truly be can only be understood through His mercy and divine providence.  We can encounter Him through: 1. Allowing Him to speak in our hearts today. 2. Allowing ourselves to listen and see/understand, even when we don't. 3. Trusting and surrendering ourselves to Him despite the uncert

Prayer of Renewal

Heavenly Father, our creator and source of life and love, we unite ourselves unto you in silence and prayer. We acknowledge our sins and beg for your grace and mercy to renew us. As we celebrate the Feast day of the conversion of Saint Paul, instill in our hearts and minds the openness to recognize your plan for us and teach us to develop an unwavering faith to trust even in the most difficult times. Grant us courage and dedication as we continue to spread the good news to all. Grant us hope as we journey throu gh life full of uncertainty and grant us love as we offer ourselves in the mission and service for the Church. We ask this through Jesus Christ, our Lord, with the intercession of the Blessed Mother Mary. Amen.

The Joy of Serving the Lord

As I formally begin my Canali program, I am blessed by how God works in my life, sending good people for me to deeply understand my vocation. I am thrilled to share my experience from the first month working in the different communities to which I am  assigned:  Our Lady of Lourdes Sunnybank  and  Emmanuel City Mission . In OLOL Parish, I have met great people such as Fr Enoch (Parish Priest) Fr. Francisco (Assistant Parish Priest), Miss Pam (Parish Coordinator) and Miss Felicity (Saturday Mass Coordinator). They have supported me with my desire to be part of the different roles in the parish such as Eucharistic Minister, Reader and Mass collector. The parishioners were also welcoming and vibrant, coming from diverse multi-cultural backgrounds. Before I started my participation, Miss Pam asked me first to go through the safeguarding protocols set by the Parish and Archdiocese of Brisbane. I also had an orientation with Miss Felicity regarding the various roles in the parish. She asked